Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 - Reflections and Resolutions

2011. Can you believe it? I certainly am shocked of where I am today as compared to where I was on this date one year ago. As of 12/30, I have lost 70.5lbs this year. Much of my success can be attributed to a great structured weight loss program, Metabolic Research Center, and to my therapist, Bridget, whom has helped me to deal with my problems instead of internalizing them.

Now for some resolutions:
1) To not live to work but to work to live.
I have used my work to hide from things since 2005. It is time for me to quit hiding. Unfortunately, my employers have come to expect my 'dedication'. It is time to bend those expectations and decrease the amount of extra time I spend devoted to work.
2) To finish my weight loss journey and dedicate that energy into maintaining the loss.
3) To continue to allow myself to feel emotions instead of hiding from them.
I am venturing into a whole new world with this. I imagine that with it will come great joy but also great pain. I finally feel that I am ready to increase my range of emotional intensity. Thirty-six years ago, I shut myself down from feeling. In July 2010, I started opening that back up. It has been a roller coaster but I think I am getting there. I will need to watch for and control the urge to close up again.
4) Now for the fun one: I want one day that I will make into 'Sandy's Musical'. A co-worker and I are continuously playing of each other's conversations and breaking into song or doing little dances. It is time to expand that into a full day. Who knows, next year I may resolve for more days of the same. :)

Happy New Year to all!! I hope it is a year of happiness, great surprises, and overwhelming love.

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