Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh my how life has changed

On May 21st, 2010, I started a journey of weight loss in an attempt to resolve some female issues and stave off a hysterectomy. Well, the hysterectomy proved to be necessary but I continued on my weight loss. This photo shows almost a year comparison: 5/21/2010 to 5/6/2011. Crazy stuff, I tell you. In May, I walked a half marathon. In June, I ran a 3k. This Sunday, I ride in a 25 mile bike race. On Tuesdays, I ride 20+ miles to Eagle for the Nacho Ride. Life is different and boy am I making the most of it!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Has it really been that long?

I just realized how long it has been since I last posted something here. I feel bad that I neglected my blog this long. Well, it is time that I rectified that!

So many things have happened. Some good some bad but many. I will highlight a few of those things.

First off, the weight loss has slowed as I have increased my training for the half marathon. MRC placed me on a new diet and I hope to see some good numbers this week at weigh in. I now eat 6 times a day to keep my metabolism going. I am kick boxing twice a week, yoga once a week, and riding my recumbent bike (since it is too cold to walk or bike outside) 4 times a week. I am averaging about 390 minutes of scheduled activity per week. I cannot wait until the weather is nice and I can put in some long hikes on the weekends.

Second thing, my mom was in the hospital mid-January. Well, actually it goes more like this: my sister texts me at work asking if I had talked to mom recently, I say not in a week or so, she says she has been trying to get in touch with her for a couple days but gets no answer, we start making calls to family and neighbors. Maybe this is where I should add that mom is 72 with a pacemaker and lives on the family farm with the closest town about 10 miles away. Okay, back to the story. It had snowed overnight, a neighbor drives over to check, car is not there and no new tracks, I decide to call the small county hospital, SHE IS THERE. And has been for TWO DAYS! Did she call anyone to tell them - no!!! My sister and I went the next day and picked her up and brought her back to Lincoln. I will be taking her back home this weekend.

That is it for now. I will try to be better on the posting. Be prepared for being overloaded as training continues.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

So Far So Good

I have been doing well so far this year. I have been able to focus on me. It is a totally new concept. Me? Putting myself before others? What? I am enjoying myself. Imagine that!

Some friends at work have challenged me to join then in walking half the Lincoln Marathon. I initially thought there was no way I could be ready for that by May 1st. But the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is something I need to do. The symbolism I can apply to a seemingly unattainable feat (at least to me) and overcoming it...HUGE!! It is like the path I am on now. Last year, I decided enough was enough and began a weight loss program at Metabolic Research Center. I debated on whether or not to tackle the effects on my life from the abuse. In July, I started that journey. Neither of these will be tasks that I can complete. They are life long journeys. But this marathon is something that I can complete. It is something that I can check off my list. I really need that right now.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 - Reflections and Resolutions

2011. Can you believe it? I certainly am shocked of where I am today as compared to where I was on this date one year ago. As of 12/30, I have lost 70.5lbs this year. Much of my success can be attributed to a great structured weight loss program, Metabolic Research Center, and to my therapist, Bridget, whom has helped me to deal with my problems instead of internalizing them.

Now for some resolutions:
1) To not live to work but to work to live.
I have used my work to hide from things since 2005. It is time for me to quit hiding. Unfortunately, my employers have come to expect my 'dedication'. It is time to bend those expectations and decrease the amount of extra time I spend devoted to work.
2) To finish my weight loss journey and dedicate that energy into maintaining the loss.
3) To continue to allow myself to feel emotions instead of hiding from them.
I am venturing into a whole new world with this. I imagine that with it will come great joy but also great pain. I finally feel that I am ready to increase my range of emotional intensity. Thirty-six years ago, I shut myself down from feeling. In July 2010, I started opening that back up. It has been a roller coaster but I think I am getting there. I will need to watch for and control the urge to close up again.
4) Now for the fun one: I want one day that I will make into 'Sandy's Musical'. A co-worker and I are continuously playing of each other's conversations and breaking into song or doing little dances. It is time to expand that into a full day. Who knows, next year I may resolve for more days of the same. :)

Happy New Year to all!! I hope it is a year of happiness, great surprises, and overwhelming love.